Storefront Development

Storefront Development
(Legacy) CMS Portal
Shelf template controls

Get to know Legacy CMS controls for creating product shelves.

VTEX system offers some controls for the creation of shelves.

Product attributes can be stored in variables, and these are used in every template. To declare the variables and receive an attribute of a product, use the following command: #set ($variable=$attribute)


  • #set($id = $product.Id)
  • #set($uri = $product.Uri)
  • #set($escapedName = $product.HtmlEscapedName)
  • #set($evaluationRate = $product.EvaluationRate)

Product and SKU

$product.IdShows the product ID.
$product.EscapedNameShows the product name.
$product.DescriptionShortShows a brief description of the product.
$product.UriShows the product link.
$product.GetImageTag(number corresponding to the image)Shows the image and the type of image you want. It follows this list of image types:
  • ProductImageShowcaseLittle (Size: 65×65) = 1;
  • ProductImageShowcaseMedium (Size: 90×90) = 29;
  • ProductImageShowcaseLarge (Size: 130×130) = 30;
  • MainProductImage (Size: 250×250) = 2;
  • ThumbProductImage (Size: 45×45) = 3;
  • ZoomProductImage (Size: 344×344) = 10;
  • File = 11;
  • ProductManual = 12;

The sizes of the images are according to the store's layout.
$product.ProductField(IdField)Shows the value of a product field by passing the ID of this field as a parameter.


$product.ListPriceShows the "From" price of the product.
$product.BestPriceShows the best price of the product.
$product.HasBestPriceIndicates whether there is a better price for the product (used in conditionals).
$product.NumbersOfInstallmentShows the number of installments of the best payment condition for the product.
$product.InstallmentValueShows the value of the installment of the best payment condition for the product, i.e., the value of the largest interest-free installment.
$product.MaxNumbersOfInstallmentShows the largest installment with or without interest for this product.
$product.MaxInstallmentValueShows the value of the installment of the product's highest payment condition, i.e., the value of the largest installment with or without interest.
$product.BestPricePlusTaxShows the price PLUS the rates applied to it. Rate values that are set by region, i.e., by using zip codes, will not be displayed on the shelves. If more than one rate includes the same product, the values are summed and displayed by the control.
$product.ListPriceMinusBestPriceShows the absolute difference between the "From" price and the best price of the product.
$product.ListPriceMinusBestPriceInPercentShows the difference (in percentage) of the price "From" to the best price of the product.

Departament and Category

$product.DepartmentNameDisplays the name of the product's department.
$product.DepartmentLinkDisplays the link of the product's department.
$product.CategoryNameDisplays the name of the product's category.
$product.CategoryLinkDisplays the link of the product's category.


$product.BrandNameShows the name of the product's brand.
$product.BrandShows the product's brand in a link-friendly format.
$product.BrandLinkShows the link to the brand.

Buy button

$product.BottomBuyAllSkuIncludes a buy button to add to the list shelf, where the product with specifications added by the customer is sent directly to the cart. If the product has already been purchased for the list, a specific class is added to the item for customization. The control must be added to the shelf template used in the “Lista-Prateleira” page template.
$product.BottomBuyIncludes a buy button in the shop window that takes the customer directly to the cart if there is only 1 SKU.
$product.ButtonBuyModal(false,true)Includes a buy button that inserts the product into the cart and keeps the customer in the shop window. This control needs the $product.AmountInCart control to add a desired quantity textbox for adding to the cart.
$product.AmountInCartInserts a textbox element to set the desired quantity of the product to be added to the cart. This control is used in conjunction with the control $product.ButtonBuyModal(false,true).


$product.EvaluationRateShows the product rating.
$product.HightLightShows the collections of highlights of which the product is part.
$product.DiscountHightLightShows the promotions with highlights of which the product is part. If the promotion has any condition of freight, payment method, or cluster, it will not be presented until these conditions are met.
$product.IsInStockIndicates whether the product has items in stock (used in conditionals).
$product.TaxShows the rates registered for the product.
$product.QuickViewShows the Quick View button.
$product.CompareShows the checkbox to select the products to be compared.
$product.BestRewardValueDisplays the value for the "Fidelity Value" field of the SKU form.
$product.PercentBougthAndBoughtShows the percentage value on shelves of type "Who bought also bought."
$product.PercentBoughtAlsoShows the percentage value on shelves of type "Who saw also bought."
$product.PercentViewedAlsoShows the percentage value on shelves of type "Who saw also saw."
$product.InsertSkuShows the individual number of products in the shop window and a checkbox for each product SKU, allowing you to select which SKUs will be added to the list. To add more than one SKU, it is necessary to change the quantity inside the box and then select the checkbox for the SKU. If the quantity is changed and the checkbox of an SKU is selected, the quantity of this SKU will not change; only the next SKUs will be selected after changing the quantity in the box.
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